
The Travelers Guide to Factions

Created by Tabletop Journeys

The Travelers Guide to Factions introduces allies and foes to make your next game Legendary

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Work In Progress Update
about 1 month ago – Wed, Apr 03, 2024 at 06:50:35 AM

Hey everyone! Just wanted to check in since it had been about six weeks since our last update. The three of us have been neck deep finishing up the main swath of writing for the book and getting deep into the editing process. The great news is that we have gone through our "everyone reads everything and leaves comments" part of the exercise, and are digesting all those comments. For perspective, on the 9 main Google docs, between the four of us (us three, and our main editor Trish) we left over 3,000 comments. So it's a lot, but man alive I can tell you that these factions are GREAT!

So where does that put us on our timeline? Well, the magic date that we circled on our calendars as to when we expected to be "delivery complete" was August 20th, and as of right now, we are on target. We have some very "fluffy" milestones regarding printing times etc, and we are in the part of the process with the most amount of work. These are all really good signs about hitting that date! 

Thank you to all the backers who added NPCs and have filled out their surveys, getting those written and off to artists was a major milestone too! The Backerkits are still open, and we do still have some NPC slots available if anyone is interested. Reach out if you have any questions!

But more than anything else, thank you again. This project is our most ambitious one to date, and one that we really want to get right. We'll talk to you all again soon!

Josh, Glen, and Lewanika

Work in Progress Update
3 months ago – Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 06:32:24 AM

Hello Backers!

It's been a while since we reached out to give you an update on progress, so I wanted to touch base. Right now, we are busy going through the nearly 200 pages of content. Each of these factions came in around 17 to 20 pages, before art and layout, so there is going to be a ton of content in this book! This stage is going to take until the beginning of March or so, as we tear through these first documents and implement changes based on internal feedback. After that, the final editing and layout stages start. We are still on track to have all content delivered by the end of July, which is exciting!

87% of you have filled out your surveys as of this morning, which is also awesome. While they aren't going to lock for a while, there is one very important segment that should make sure they have their surveys done. If you wanted to appear in the book as an NPC, we need those details :)  We are talking to our artists now about the NPCs that we have already received information for, but you probably only have about two weeks to get that ordered before it's too late. There are four slots available, and you can access them from the Backerkit Store!

Lastly, thanks to everyone who backed our Make 100 Campaign for "A Catalogue of Rellcs of Power". Josh is currently sitting at the scribes desk, cowl on, and nib in hand assuming the persona of High Cleric Arthur Thel-am-Rajai, noted traveler and scholar. It's a fun pet project, and he didn't even have to shave his head! We have another Zine-style campaign launching over on Crowdfundr in about a week, so we will make sure to let you know when that is up and running also!

Thanks as always for the support, we appreciate you, and really look forward to getting this project into your hands!

Josh, Glen, and Lewanika

Unlocking Dual Realms of Magic: "A Catalogue of Relics of Power"
4 months ago – Tue, Jan 09, 2024 at 08:29:13 AM

Hello backers! 

We are excited to announce a small campaign for Kickstarter’s Make 100 Month in 2024! Embark on a thrilling journey with renowned traveler and sage Arthur Thel-am-Rajai as we unveil "A Catalogue of Relics of Power," a book designed for an immersive experience in your campaign world.

What will be inside?

Dive into the mystical realms with 100 cleric-based magic items, complete with rules for 5E compatible games and Pathfinder 2. Each is a portal to adventure with rich narrative, item history, and anecdotes, offering a versatile resource for your gaming sessions and personal exploration. 

This isn't just another gaming accessory! "A Catalogue of Relics of Power" serves as a bridge between your tabletop adventures and real-world creativity. Use it as an out-of-game resource for players and storytellers, or integrate it into your game world as an in-game artifact. Launch epic retrieval quests, campaigns for (or against!) the deities themselves, or loot grabs through perilous dungeons!

What is Kickstarter Make 100?

Make 100 campaigns are designed to sell 100 unique items, so this campaign will be limited to 100 backers. You can get the PDF version for $3, and you can add a soft cover print version for $5. As well, if you haven’t completed your collection of Tabletop Journeys Kickstarter Exclusive products, they will be available here too!

Sign up to get notified when the campaign goes live this Thursday!

BackerKit Survey update
4 months ago – Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 07:24:42 AM

Hello friends!  

Just a quick update, we are at 80% completion on the survey, which is AWESOME! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to respond, and thank you doubly to folks who are taking advantage of the Add-ons available!

One quick update:  If you purchased the "You Become an NPC!" Add-on, there was an error in the survey because of a deprecated BackerKit feature. That has now been corrected, so you should be able to complete your surveys now. As always, if there are any issues, please let us know!

Josh, Glen, and Lewanika

Backerkit Surveys are on their way!
5 months ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 05:26:34 PM

Hello Backers!

Just a quick message to let you know that I am sending out the Backerkit surveys tonight. Don't hesitate to reach out if things don't look right. The Backerkit store will allow you to add physical copies if you didn't buy them during the campaign, access Add-Ons if you were accidentally blocked out from adding them the first time around, etc.

From us and ours, to you and yours, we wish you a very happy holiday season and we will be back in the New Year with more updates!

Josh, Glen, and Lewanika